Monday, February 11, 2008

Hey Suzanne. That's cool.

Adding the You Tube movies is so cool, Suzanne. Luv your work!

I'm really getting into the eBook now and I'm starting to enjoy it. It look a bit, but i think it's going to be a good book after all.

How are the other BLs going? Come you guys, we've got to get this finished so we can start a new book soon.

How will we decide on the next title? I was thinking it might be good if we just read anything we take a fancy to, and then tell the others what we thought about it.

What do you think of that idea guys? Back soon, Lindsay.

PS. I've been cheating a bit. I take the bus into the city and travel with a work colleague who loves reading. She's been reading it out loud on the bus. Is that ok? Or is that breaking the rules? Are there any rules? What the heck, rules or no rules, it's a great way to get through a book quickly. My friend is a bit of a thespian, so she'd making it fun. I think the other passengers are enjoying it too. A lot of them are regulars. Not sure the driver approves. Maybe it's a bit over the top: two women, a wireless laptop, reading out loud, on a bus. Maybe there's a law against reading out loud on public transport. I'll get back to you on that one.

I found this on Globusz Oz - looks interesting. We might find something for our next read here.


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