Thursday, July 10, 2008

Welcome Julie

Julie has been a small business operator for over forty-years. Keen to shift her life-focus she recently sold her retail hairdressing enterprise to explore a range of new opportunities that will allow her to spend more time working with young people.

After completing specialised training in Community Mentoring, Julie became a volunteer working with secondary school students through a Department of Education and Training funded program. She has a strong commitment to providing support to young people and works with them to set personal, educational and career goals.

Julie is committed to the philosophy of ‘Lifetime Learning’ and has completed a range of courses, including digital movie making and creative writing. She is currently undertaking teacher-training, which will allow her to work as a specialist adult educator.

Julie is a passionate reader, as well as a keen short filmmaker. Other interests include: writing, studying and observing the human condition, family and friends. Her interest in developing technology is a constant driver to ensure she stays in touch with new trends and products. Julie lives in Newcastle, New South Wales, and says she is blessed to own a home that gives her direct access to the fantastic Pacific ocean.

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