SYNOPSIS: Hogback is a suspense novel, which explores the age-old dilemma of good versus evil. The story begins recounting two seemingly unrelated events happening in different parts of the world on the same day: The first in Vietnam and the second in the small, eastern Georgia town of Washington. The son of the town drunk was an easy target for an over-zealous lawyer and a weak judge who were manipulated and bought by the ruling family of the county. The teenager’s desire for revenge on the family that framed him was unfulfilled because of their death from car accident just prior to his release from prison. His anger and quest for revenge takes him on a trail of vengeance to seek out any wealthy father and son who controlled small towns in Georgia.
I love a good suspense novel, and Hogback appears to have all the right ingredients. If the pace is fast, then it shouldn't take me long to get through it. I'll post my comments soon. I bet you can't wait to see what I come up with. An interesting aspect of the human condition, is that many of us are fascinated with train wrecks. If you're expecting one, I think you will be disappointed.Back soon,
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Really looking forward to your next post Lindsay.
I think you did a great job with the last review. I am sure the authors will find his eBook is downloaded a lot because of it. People will want to make their own decision about the work. If you hadn't started the debate the book may not have been so interesting.
I myself, quite enjoy suspense novels. Recently I've read The Osogoode Trilogy by Mary Martin. I like to jump to and fro what I like to read - depends on my mood I guess.
And I'm not one to usually read Trilogy's - But this one had me at page one. Check it out, it may get you on page one too!
Cheers - Chrissy
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