Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I asked the readers to be the judge and they've done just that.

Kevin Atkinson has defended Eugene Binx’s novel Zen and the Art of Stand Up Comedy. Kevin read the eBook and enjoyed it so much that he's taken the time to add a comment to the Blog.

Thank you Kevin.

I hope many more people will read the book and make their own judgement about its worth. I’m happy to admit that reading tastes vary enormously, and my opinion may not be shared by most of Eugene’s readers.

It’s great to know my review has started a debate.

Congratulations Eugene. I believe the Globusz Publishing Book Club is providing an excellent service. Giving writers and readers a place to interact, and share views, is extremely valuable; and it's just not possible with traditional book clubs.

I’ll be delighted if my review comments are proven to go against public opinion. After all the job of a reviewer is to generate interest, and to stimulate others to read the book. You may find you have a lot of support out there. And that’s got to be a good thing.

Well done,
Kind regards,

GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING ~ where the virtual defines the future ... and synergy has a whole new meaning

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